Monday, July 19, 2010

Shameless Plug....

Hey! Long time, no see, eh? Sorry 'bout that... I am the administrator for the Study Design and Biostatistics Center at the University of Utah. This means I get to edit the website :) Muahahahah. I've added tidbits of "personality" to this otherwise, informational website, one of which is my shameless plug for my blog (and the whole cake-making-for-money thing). See website here Do you need help designing your funded study? Do you need statistical consulting for said study? Note: funding-agencies like to see that you've done your homework, and stats is a HUGE part of said homework. Ok, long story short, my shameless plug WORKED! I made this cake for a birthday from a coworker who saw the site. This was an AMAZING cake; it was a chocolate cake filled with vanilla icing, topped with a layer of velvety-smooth rich chocolate icing, and frosted with vanilla on the sides. Mmmmmm. Sooo goood. I was so proud of myself too; I'd written "Happy Birthday" on the cake in really good handwriting, except upon closer inspection, I'd written "Happy Birhday". I shit a brick, then picked it off with a toothpick. I haven't been the same since. Here is my sweet bug trying to get a piece of the action. Sorry bug, Cakes aren't for kitties!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Beautiful cake! I like the kitty too. I checked out the website, it looks good! :-)